Yesterday we had a great day in Kinabalu Park and Poring Hot Springs. Saw lots and lots of plant and animal life; Kinabalu really is stunning. We also lucked out and saw a Rafflesia in bloom! What good luck we've had on this trip! We had some excellent food and tried out a variety of the local tropical fruits, such as dragon fruit, lychee, and mangosteen. Yum!
We spent this morning driving back from Kundasang but then took a boat straight to Sapi Island from the Kota Kinabalu jetty to go snorkel and zip line!! Some of us saw monitor lizards and the elusive oriental pied hornbill!
Tonight we will have our last dinner and "paper plate awards" before everyone flies out tomorrow. Note: no instructor will be on the flight back with (most of) the students. Please check the status of the flights online and look out for texts, emails, or calls in case there is a delay in one of the multiple legs back to the States.
Thanks for following the blog! I apologize for the lack of pictures these past few days, but I know the students took more than enough to show off! :)